registration and fees

weekly 4 hour-session: 


For 3 months courses, 40 hours: 220€
Books and teaching material :  20€ 
Registration to the association ALFAP : 25€
For a total cost of 265€

the second term, pay only 220€ for 40 hours


For 3 months courses, 20 hours: 150€

+Books and teaching material: 20€
+ Registration to the association ALFAP : 25€

For a total cost of 223€


Careful : any quarter started is due in its entirety unless exceptions.


 Private lesson:

25 € net/heure. 

Conditions de paiement

By bank transfer  to "ALFAP" or online via the HelloAsso website.

Courses have to be paid to the teacher during the first class.

PAYMENT SUPPORTED by a RESEARCH INSTITUTE or a COMPANY (you can finance your training with the Professional Training Contract CFP), contact us !


To enroll

Please complete the following form:

This is only a pre-registration! We will then offer you to try a free course to test if the group suits you.






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